The Power of One
Continuing the Conversation…
You Make a Difference
“The hour is desperately dark; your flame is needed.”
I want to keep informed with the daily news. I really do. But after watching a few minutes, I feel overwhelmed and anxious, whichever political direction it leans. I relate to that detergent commercial showing baby ducks covered in sticky tar. Rescued from an oil spill, they stagger to walk and labor to breathe. Like them, I’m one weak person floundering in a gooey mess of darkening world chaos.
Reading Lettie’s quote, I’d rather imagine a better image—a single white candle. On Christmas Eve, our church gives everyone a small taper to hold onto until the last hymn. We sing a cappella in a darkened auditorium and light our candles from the burning wick of our neighbor. One by one we share our flame, passing down the rows. Tiny flickers multiply in number. We lift our lit tapers higher and higher with each verse. By the crescendo of the last line, the room fills with a beautiful glow and smiling faces.
Yes, I face a rising tide of global problems. And yes, I feel puny and helpless much of the time. But I can also raise my one pinpoint of light where I stand. Each decision I make to bless instead of curse, along with others choosing the same, can enlighten a cavern of darkness or provide a beacon on a hill. Lifting each of our flames, though tiny, has the power to make a difference; especially if we ignite them together.
What space around you would benefit from the light of your flame?
Quote reference: L.B. Cowman, Springs in the Valley, (Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan: 1977) 220